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When Should You Go To A Cardiologist?

The heart is, without any doubt, one of the most hardworking organs in the body. It beats more than 100,000 times each day and never takes a break. It is important to take good care of this crucial organ. Considering heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, it is paramount that you start seeing cardiologists at the right time. 

Cardiologists are heart doctors. Their specialty is in treating heart diseases and conditions. They also help patients better manage their heart conditions as well as treat symptoms of heart conditions that have been diagnosed. The cardiologist also helps prevent heart diseases through checkups and screenings. They treat diseases like heart attacks, heart disease, heart failure, heart rhythms/arrhythmias, and valve problems. But how do you know you need to see a cardiologist? 


The main reason people see a cardiologist is after their family doctor recommends it. While you might feel fine when the recommendation is made, it is very important that you visit a cardiologist. Putting it off will put you at risk. 


The hallmark sign of heart problems is chest pain. While there are many things that can cause chest pains, a feeling of chest pressure is alarming. Chest pressure is a sign of the heart not receiving enough blood. A visit to the cardiologist will help determine the cause of chest pain or chest pressure. 


Blood pressure is usually the force of blood that is exerted on artery walls. Chronic high blood pressure causes the heart to work harder. This increases the risk of both stroke and heart attacks. If you have hypertension, you should consider seeing a cardiologist regularly. 


There is a very strong correlation between diabetes and cardiovascular disease. When blood sugar is not controlled properly, it affects how the blood vessels function. This increases the risk of coronary artery disease. Cardiologists can work with your doctor to determine the best prevention or treatment options that will lower this risk if you are diabetic. 


If you have a history of smoking, you are at a higher risk of getting heart disease. Smoking also contributes to high blood pressure as well as cancer risks. Visiting a cardiologist will help determine if you are at a high risk of a heart problem. 


High cholesterol causes plaque in arteries. While eating healthy will lower the cholesterol levels, you still need to visit a cardiologist to evaluate your condition. The cardiologist will also speak to you about heart-healthy food as well as recommend medication for treating cholesterol. 

Other reasons why you should see a cardiologist is if you have chronic kidney disease, have a family history of heart disease, and have peripheral arterial disease or if you have been inactive and want to start an exercise routine. If you have any of the aforementioned risk factors or symptoms, it is a good idea to visit a cardiologist soon. Advanced Heart & Vascular is one of the best centers in Florida you can find an experienced cardiologist. 

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