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Venous Stenting


Dr. Nader Chadda talks frequently to patients about artery stents that improve oxygenated blood flow from the heart to limbs and vital organs. Venous stents perform the same function, except the stents ensure the flow of oxygen deprived blood from all areas of the body back to the heart for oxygenated blood replenishment. As metal mesh tubes, venous stents expand artery walls to ensure proper blood flow. Dr. Chadda and his team cardiologists typically place venous stents within larger veins located in the legs, cheat, and abdomen.


Venous stents strategically placed in larger veins are effective tools for reducing and in many cases eliminating the health dangers caused by chronic blood clots. Our team of cardiovascular specialists at the clinic performs venous stenting for the following medical conditions:

  • May-Thurner Syndrome
  • Nutcracker Syndrome
  • Post Thrombotic Syndrome
  • Chronic Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) represents a common medical condition that requires the implementation of venous stenting. DVT is a large blood clot located in one of the deep veins transporting blood from one of your legs to the heart and lungs. Our team of skilled cardiovascular experts has performed numerous DVT procedures.


The first step before performing venous stenting is to ask questions about your medical history and then perform a thorough physical examination. Dr. Chadda’s team of nurses and technicians might also request one or more imaging tests. Duplex ultrasound transmits high frequency sound waves to produce images of different area of the blood vessel suspected of accumulating plaque. An ultrasound provides Dr. Chadda with an accurate look inside of your blood vessels to discover partially or mostly blocked veins. We might also request a venogram, which represents an x-ray that allows us to view the entire anatomy of the damaged veins.


Most the venous stenting we perform can occur at an outpatient location, such as our highly rated clinic. Most of our patients require a low or moderate amount of sedation, mostly to alleviate anxiety caused by anticipation of venous stenting. We might have to perform angioplasty before inserting a stent to handle large blood clots and other obstructions of the veins.

Dr. Chadda inserts a needle into the groin or behind one of the knees, depending on where the affected vein is located. A guide wire leads a catheter sheath, which is followed by a guide catheter that moves through the sheath. An x-ray helps us move the catheter to the site where the vein has narrowed. Angioplasty means we attach a tiny balloon to the stent to widen the vein that has narrowed because of plaque accumulation. A stent is placed after we remove the balloon to push against the walls of the damaged vein.


Recovering from venous stenting is typically a short term process. You might experience bruising and feel mild soreness at and around the area where Dr. Chadda inserted the catheter. For several hours after the catheter insertion, we will closely monitor the area of the body where we performed venous stenting for bleeding or swelling. We also monitor your heart rate and blood pressure, which are the two most accurate tests for determining whether the affected veins are delivering normal blood flow back to the heart. Dr. Chadda might prescribe medication to relax the vein walls, as well as prevent spasms and blood clots from reforming.

If we used a dye to detect vein blockages, you will have to urinate frequently after the procedure to remove the dye from your body. This means you should drink enough fluids to prompt the urge to urinate. Avoid performing exercises and lifting heavy objects for a minimum of 24 hours after the procedure. If you experience bleeding at the site of catheter insertion while you are at home, lie down and apply moderate pressure at the point of the catheter insertion. Then, call our clinic to receive instructions on what to do next.

Venous stenting is a non-invasive procedure that ensures proper blood flow from the veins to the heart. Contact our clinic to learn more about the common medical procedure.